I think the best place to start is always with a holiday. We had fun and took pictures...always easier to write about and illustrate...
In October Cam and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary with a trip to Byron Bay (who would have thought we were at 5 years already?). We had a great week that involved diving and sight-seeing, and also a surfing lesson, and the extra-special treat of a balloon flight (something we have always wanted to do).
Unfortunately we didn't have our underwater camera, so couldn't take any photos on the dives. We did however see some amazing stuff and hear whales while 10m down on a dive (anyone interested in diving should really check out Julian Rocks at Byron Bay). We were, however, able to capture the joy post-surfing lesson (see below).

This was before the aching arms caught up with us the next day. Big thanks to Lyn and Stan for lending us the boards and teaching us the basics! We both managed to stand up, and Cam even caught his own wave.

The day after our surfing lesson, we had to get up extra early in order to meet our balloon pilot. We drove out pre-dawn and were ferried out to the site we would be taking off from. It was a beautiful clear and still morning, and the only company we had (apart from the other passengers) were the curious cows, in whose paddock we had temporarily taken over.

After standing back and watching the professionals set up our transportation, a couple of people were asked to help - and warm up as an added extra. Cam was happy to help, despite the sore surfing arms from the previous day.

Before long our balloon was ready and we all climbed in and took off. It's such an amazing experience - not scary at all. You could barely even feel the take off, it was like we literally just floated away. Landing was also fine, although I'm not sure how the person felt whose paddock it was we landed in. Surely nothing that a bottle of bubbles couldn't fix. Anyway, below are just a few of the pics we took for your viewing pleasure...