We've been to the churches in Montmartre and Notre Dame (we liked the mosaic at Montmartre, and the stained glass at Notre Dame), and of course to the Eiffel Tower, and Champs Elysees (although we didn't go up any of them as it seemed to cold and windy to expose ourselves to more of it as we got higher).
We also had lots of fun going to lots of museums, most notably The Louvre, The Great Gallery of Evolution, and the Comparitive Anatomy Gallery. We spent the better part of a day in the Louvre, and still only managed to see half of it - it's absolutely huge! But we probably had more fun in the two natural history museums. One involved lots of cool skeletons and fossils, and the other fantastic displays of insects and animals of all shapes and sizes.
And today we are off to the French countryside of Normandy, where hopefully the weather will be much better! Big thanks to Nicolas for putting up with us and being such a generous host!
Hey be careful when you are in Normandy... Ze Germans might get you...
Who are all those animals chasing after???
If you want a friend in Paris (if you're going back) let me know and I'll give you my sister's number. She likes people she can speak in English to!
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